Announcement Regarding Counterfeit Goods
Announcement Regarding Counterfeit Goods
Great thanks to the fans of Tai-Hao keycaps all over the world. We are so blessed to have you supporting us. Your passion always encourages us moving forward to develop creative and innovative keycaps.
Rubberized keycap is Tai-Hao’s classic invention and it’s been broadly used by gamers these days. However, lately we found counterfeit goods sold on Amazon.com and it’s difficult for normal users to tell them from genuine ones.
The counterfeit has 99% similar appearance, in the meantime the seller completely copies the product descriptions from our website. They even post some pictures of Tai-Hao genuine rubberized keycap to cheat customers.
This is our official announcement, as well as the reminder for all the fans of Tai-Hao keycap. Please do not buy rubberized keycaps from ebay or Amazon sellers or any online store who are not Tai-Hao’s authorized resellers. Compared with authentic Tai-Hao rubberized keycaps, the counterfeit has lower quality rubber which cannot provide excellent gaming experience at all. Meanwhile the shine-through performance is not good, either.
We will definitely take further action to protect our right. Before the counterfeit goods disappears from the market, please do not buy rubberized keycaps from unauthorized sellers. Thanks again for the support from all the fans of Tai-Hao keycaps. We will always keeping working to make the keycap world better for you all!